Download Here!
P.S. It's really good, and informative!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Mariah TAOM DVD Best Buy Commercial
Posted by
8:33 PM
Mariah on Extra! and TMZ
Source : MariahDailyJournal & YouTube
Posted by
11:35 AM
Mariah at Macy's Glendal
Enjoy Lambz!
Source: MariahDailyJournal & YouTube!
Posted by
11:33 AM
Mariah on Ellen
Part 1
Part 2
Enjoy Lambz
Source : MariahDailyJournal & YouTube!
Posted by
11:24 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
A Video Made By Me!
Hey lambs,
If yall dont know I own the game "The Sims 2" and the expansion packs of it and today I decided to make a lil' music video. It's actually a "re-make" of "Don't Forget About Us." This is my 1st video ever, and trust me it shows, haha! So yeah, enjoy lambz!!!
Posted by
9:59 PM
Mariah Calls In To LA's Power 106
Yesterday Mariah called in to LA's Power 106 to promote her new fragrance "M"
Power 106: We gotta check in with a friend of the neighborhood. Let's go ahead and make it happen right now. She does a nice cameo in the video for Roc-Boys, looking very sexy. Alright, friend of the neighborhood, ladies and gentlemen, M stands for Mariah.
Mariah Carey: Good mornin'!
P106: Good mornin' to you! How are you doing this morning love?
MC: I'm doing good, how are you? I missed you.
P106: I missed you too. You know, I'm loving how we're talking a lot now, and we're gonna start seeing each other a whole lot, so this is beautiful baby girl, and thank you for calling the neighborhood once again Mariah.
MC: I love calling up the neighborhood, I really do, because, I know I'm not from here, but I feel at home when I get on the phone with the neighborhood.
P106: As you should! And the next time you come to the neighborhood, we're gonna need you to give some money to renovate this place, as we got a mess in here.
MC: We need to do that, I'm good with the renovations and things like that. I like to do the interior design, you can come with the whole concept.
P106: I've seen your crib on MTV, so yeah - we want a bubble bath and everything.
MC: Well, you know we have to keep it... it can't be so frou-frou like mine.
P106: Yes it can!
MC: You know, like the men-area, I know you want it to be...
P106: Nah, I'm very much in touch with my feminine side. I'll put on my heels and get on my [...] and everything. And I'm gonna wear my "M by Mariah Carey" also and dare somebody to say something. Now, how's it coming along honey? How's everything been going as far as "M by Mariah Carey"?
MC: It's been doing really well, I'm so excited, because for a debut fragrance, like you know, they've been just telling me all these really incredible things about, considering that I've never put any type of... anything but music out before, so it's like very exciting when they'll come in and say "hey we're number one in Australia, we're doing, and we're doing that" and all these exciting things, but today, I believe we're gonna meet some folks. You probably know all the...
P106: You're gonna get bombarded. For all those out there, Mariah's gonna be all the way live at Macy's at Glendale Galleria, so if you're near the Glendale area, make sure to go out there, and I wanna advise everybody to get there early because the way it goes down: the first 200 people that purchase the special fragrance package - they get a chance to meet Mariah and receive her autograph.
MC: And the good packaging that they're talking about? it's the best one. How about I gotta buy it myself?
P106: I've seen the package here and I was like "this is unbelievable." Just the bottle alone, Mariah!
MC: Thank you.
P106: I was watching, it was so funny, last night your commercial came on, it was like "get it now, you get this nice hand bag" I was like "oooh", it was nice!
MC: I didn't even see it. I did not even see the commercial. Everybody else... I can't do anything but do my work, work on my record, and get ready to you know... see some folks or whatever.
P106: Well guys are gonna see the commercial and they're gonna run out and probably it for their girls. I think guys just gonna buy it just to have it also, you know what I'm saying? Because the scent, and Liz was explaining the scent... Also Mariah, where did you come as far as the explanation of the scent? They said something about marshmallows?
MC: Right, well, there's a lot of different things that go into making the fragrance so I was like "notes? what do you mean notes? like I just got back from the studio, what are you talking about?" They make a perfume out of ingredients that they refer to as notes. So basically you've got the top note which got a little toasted marshmallow type feeling and then there's the floral note - believe it or not, this is reality, it's called notes, that's how you know I was truly involved, I feel like a scientist right now. Basically, this flower that I had smelled when I went for the first time to Hawaii, I know a lot of people like to go to Hawaii a lot, but because I'm from the other [...] I don't really get much of a chance to. So the first time I went, and I smelled this one flower, you know when you get off the plane, they put the lei's on you and it's just very tropical, whatever. The flower is a Tahitian flower, called Tiare, it's beautiful - that's the mid note. And the low note is a Moroccan, very sensual incense, so it's really nice. It's really like a very very different kind of light smell, like you smell it but it doesn't overwhelm you, so it's good things, I'm happy.
P106: Let me ask you Mariah, just being a person that has so many great albums, so many number one hits and also just when it comes to Mariah, there is a brand-name, it's a franchise. My question to you though is when you just said this is your first thing going outside of music, what made you say you know, if I'm gonna do something, let me do a fragrance?
MC: Because you know what? I don't even like fragrances for the most part. People would always be like "what are you wearing?" and I'm like "I don't know, it's probably just like who knows what kind of conditioner or shampoo or whatever" but they always think I have on some fragrance or whatever and I was like "I'm not really that drawn to them" but sometimes they do overpower things, so I was like let me do this, and I'm gonna really be involved in it, I'll really go every single step of the way, like just the same way if I was making a record, which I am.
P106: Hello! Now, we're early 2008 with the new album, correct?
MC: Yes, yes, yes. I wish I could play you some snippets over the phone, like if I were allowed to do that... I'm so excited about the record.
P106: Let me ask you this Mariah, who tells you that you can't do that? Come on.
MC: Oh, the folks that don't like bootlegging.
P106: Okay, that's understood. What are you doing for thanksgiving? What kind of plans do you have?
MC: You know what, I don't really even know what's going on. Like this year, I'm just kinda like, taking one day at a time because basically I am at the very tale-end of making this record and I'm so excited about it. That's what I was saying, if I had a little snippet, I could play it but they're not mixed or mastered or anything yet, I'm still finishing up vocals but I just wrote a song the other night that I'm so excited about. The problem is, we have a lot of songs that we're overly attached to, when I say "we", I'm talking about my group of people that I work with, and especially Mr. L.A. Reid who we all love. Anyway, I'm just trying to figure out what the first single's gonna be.
P106: But you know Mariah, that's a good problem to have, that there's so many there, that you don't know exactly which one you wanna grab to release to us as the introduction and the new single. People are still listening to "The Emancipation of Mimi" because it was that good.
MC: Thank you so much, it was almost like, this is like part two of where I was at when I finished working on that particular project. I just feel like this is something that I'm really excited to put out there. I don't wanna go talking about it, bragging about it, whatever. I humbly.. and I'm very grateful for this album, I'm just gonna put it that way. I'm really excited for you to hear it, like just on a musical note, I'm curious as to your opinion and I hope you guys all like it.
P106: Well, when you come over to our house for our thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, would you bring it with you? Just bring it with you.
MC: You know I would love that, I wish I could do that. Maybe we could think in advance, like Easter, we could do an egg hunt or something.
P106: You know, we would do an M-hunt.
MC: Yes, and it will match because the lavender will go with the whole motif.
P106: "The whole motif," see that's why she's going to redecorate the whole damn studio over here. Being a Mariah fan, it is really crazy to hear that you've never put anything, 'cause you could Mariah, like you could put out a stiletto line, and people would go run and grab it, because Mariah Carey is always known to walk around in the greatest shoes.
MC: Did you tell me that another time? Because someone else has been talking to me, three people have mentioned to me about doing a shoe-line in the past like, I don't know, month, and I'm like "I do love me some shoes!"
P106: And you wear them well. We missed the boat on the jeans-line. Remember when you cut the waist on the jeans and everybody's aunt started wearing jeans like that. "M by Mariah" - I know that it's gonna be a great situation as far as today, I know as far as the holidays, and it's crazy because, when it comes to just Mariah and the scent, if you just look at the bottle, like I haven't even had the chance to smell it, I'm just looking at the bottle and you wanna get that either for your girl if you're a fella, now I know the girls are gonna go out and get it, and I know when it comes down to Macy's at the Glendale Galleria, I know you're gonna shut it down.
MC: I'm excited, but did you know that all fragrances smell different on all women and all people in general? So we have to smell it on as many, you know, members of the opposite sex as you can, to see who you like the scent best on.
P106: Well you know, I can't do that. Come on Mariah.
MC: I mean I'm just saying to the men out there who are not...
P106: Mariah, you have to stop flirting with me!
MC: I'm not doing that!
P106: 'Cause what we had yesterday, what we had, that was yesterday. I love you, there's never any ill will, but Mariah, you gotta stop this!
MC: [laughs] No, I would never do that.
P106: You'd never stop? Now she's saying she'll never stop.
MC: I'm your number one fan, I'm in the fan-club, that's what it is.
P106: Thank you so much, that'll be audio now and we'll cut up and replay it. Mariah, we definitely thank you baby girl, and don't forget - for all those out there in the Glendale area or the surrounding areas, Macy's at Glendale Galleria, go on out there today, say hello to Mariah, now the signing begins at 7:00pm, the first 200 people, which I'm pretty sure there are 200 people out there right now ladies and gentlemen, you wanna get out there early. Mariah, we definitely thank you once again for calling up the neighborhood.
MC: I thank you, and thank you for knowing so much about the fragrance and just being so supportive 'cause it's been really really nice, I'm just excited, like you said - for the holidays, it is something really really special and I hope people enjoy it because I'm too much behind them other folks that put their fragrances out in September, we just weren't ready but we wanted it to be right.
P106: And it is right, and we thank you for that phone call Mariah.
MC: I love you and I thank you so much and I can not wait to see you.
Source: Transcipt: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
9:47 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Mariah Promotes "M" on LA's KIIS F
Ryan Seacrest: We need some MC this morning... Mariah Carey!
Mariah Carey: Hey!
RS: Oh, there it is! There is that voice!
MC: Hi darling, how are you?
RS: It's as if you're inside the handset, it's so smooth.
MC: You are out of control, how are you this morning?
RS: I'm okay now, four o'clock I was angry but now, 9:35, I'm buzzing with happiness.
MC: You were angry because you had to wake up at four or because...?
RS: Yep.
MC: You know what? I'm with you.
RS: I mean, not angry, that's not correct, it's just one of those things - as the day goes on, I get more and more of that happy feeling. I think you and I live.. we're on opposite schedules completely.
MC: We are and yet they're actually almost the same because I do like not usually go to sleep before four.
RS: What's with you music people? I mean all of the best and biggest names, you guys shine in the middle of the night.
MC: [laughs] That's what it is, stars shine at night! No, I don't know. I have no idea what is the creativity thing for me, it's been like - my whole life, I've always been, you know, writing and whatever and so as a kid I just would be up late, just writing poems or lyrics or whatever and I just stayed [...] it's a great thing that I'm very thankful for, you know, the ability to write songs, but like being a nocturnal person is a little bit annoying.
RS: You know, Mariah Carey - all of this this morning, as if she hasn't had enough success in everything that she's done, [...] and before we talk about how people can see you tonight, I'm wondering, when you look at young artists, some of the new artists, you've done as good as anybody in music can do. You're in a completely different league because of what you've been able to accomplish. What do you think when you look at some of these younger female stars?
MC: I don't know... I mean like, some people you might think they're young but they're probably older, they just started later. Don't forget I was in high school working on my first demo! And so I think I have a different perspective. Honestly, when I look at like certain people that did start really young, I kinda feel like I can relate maybe a little bit to what they're going through because it's a tough business. I don't know, I think everybody has their own journey that they have to go through and sometimes it's a great moment and everything is amazing and sometimes it's not, and that's just the way it is in life. So I think like with other artists who are just starting out and they've been doing this for you know, however long, it's all about you and whatever you're going through, like this new kind of different phase in my life which is really exciting, having the new fragrance, you know. This is like my first kind of, you know, non-musical entrée into the world of...
RS: It's your first liquidventure.
MC: Yes it is! [laughs]
RS: I would like for you to use that pitch. "This is my first liquidventure".
MC: Can I take... I mean, do I credit you for it?
RS: No, I don't need credit. You conquered everything else, let's go liquid.
MC: Let's go liquid! Liquid is hot, liquid hot magma [Austin Powers quote]. Well, I got that from Mike Myers, I can't...
RS: You did come up with "M by Mariah Carey". That is your brand, M!
MC: I know, that is the height of creativity, but actually what it was, was that we were more focused on the actual fragrance and didn't even, I mean I was thinking about names all along, I was thinking it would probably be like one of the names from one of the songs off the new record that I'm working on right now, but actually it didn't end up that way, believe it or not - so many people just trademark all these names, 'cause if it's a good name, likelihood is that it's taken already.
RS: That's true I guess, but no one took the consonant M, so that's all yours, you can have that.
MC: That's all mine, and funny thing is everybody calls me 'M', like you know, my friends call me M or MC or whatever, so there you go.
RS: Mariah's gonna be at M-Macy's at the Glendale Galleria, tonight at 7 o'clock. The first 200 people that purchase a special fragrance package get to actually meet and receive an autograph from Mariah Carey, so there will be a lot of people out there tonight, that's the Glendale Galleria, I'm gonna put the information at Why do a fragrance?
MC: I loved this process. Making this fragrance has been something that's been so cool and different for me because like O.K., they actually equate the ingredients, the same terminology we use like 'I'm gonna go in the studio, I'm gonna work on something, I'm gonna change this note, and that note, whatever' 'cause we wanted to feel, let's say the outro of one of my famous songs... I don't know, "We Belong Together" - at the end, I go up to the higher note, and literally that's the same thing with the fragrance. It's like, we want the top note to stand out more, you know in certain parts, like the floral note would be more dominant. And also, the low sensual Moroccan incense - that's the bottom note, and I learned about all this and I really really worked on the fragrance with the people at Elizabeth Arden, so it's been a cool learning experience for me too. Like I would definitely recommend it to anybody out there who doesn't know what they want to do with their life or with their career necessarily, it's a pretty cool job to have. Can you believe that there are actually people who - all they do is, you spray perfume on them and smell it on their skin?
RS: That's... your payroll. You've got people around you doing that all the time.
MC: Not my payroll, but that is an actual job, can you believe that?
RS: I can. I was just thinking though Mariah, as I listen to the way you describe the fragrance, music, and the comparison you made, music is audio-chemistry then, isn't it?
MC: It really is, and it's pretty cool because honestly, I was not good at Chemistry or anything science - I would hate it or anything like mathematics, so now I feel like "ha-ha", you know? I learned something guys! No, I really do feel like this was and is a great learning experience for me and every day I learn a little bit more about the process and what goes into it and I have so much respect for the people that actually go out and you know, they'll find, you know, I wanted this specific flower, this Tahitian flower, I didn't know the name of it, and I just kinda described it and the folks from Arden went out and literally got the extract of this flower called the Tiare Flower, and it's found, it's a Tahitian flower, it's beautiful.
RS: It's from a Tiare Tequila plant.
MC: [laughs] Probably, in something... let's say it's an intoxicating moment, but it doesn't smell like tequila.
RS: Mariah Carey is with us, 9:42 on Wednesday-- Tuesday, it's one big 24 hours.
MC: Of course it is.
RS: What about new music? I know it was scheduled to come out either, well, today, wasn't it?
MC: Today? I don't know... scheduled for today? They're gonna have to come grab my iPod 'cause...
RS: When will we have the new Mariah Carey?
MC: We will have my new work... [Speaks to someone else:] we're not talking about that darling, we're talking about music now! People come in and point at things going "tonight only I'll be at Macy's Glendale..." Actually, I'm gonna be putting out the record at the top of the year. I'm really really excited about it, I don't even wanna go on a tangent because I won't stop. [laughs] No, it's like, I'm so excited about this music, and the interesting thing is like you said, the notes like with the perfume and the fragrance and the creation of that is like, something that's different for me creatively, it took me to a new place just in terms of my music, in terms of where I was going and you know - what you're doing while you're writing and recording, it's really important you know.
RS: When I listen to Mariah Carey, I always feel like as she speaks with this chaos and the soft voice, that there are people fanning, there's mani-padi, all happening at the same time.
MC: What do you think is going on? Fanning?
RS: Fanning and grape-feeding... [Studio girl: he thinks you're being pampered as you speak]
MC: I think you would hear me eating grapes.
RS: Well you have that... you do, your voice...!
MC: I sound like I'm eating grapes?
RS: No, no... the picture in my head, in my mind, is that, you're constantly, you're so relaxed that I wish I could be as pampered as you.
MC: I actually am having my nails done as we speak.
RS: See?
MC: Ryan, either you have that special camera set up that we discussed.
RS: It was for the late nights. I have this certain unbelievable way of recognizing vanity.
MC: Oh my goodness, it's not vanity, it's just part of the job and you know it.
RS: I call it maintenance. It's maintenance. Alright, so your fragrance is "M by Mariah Carey".
MC: "M by Mariah Carey", it's a beautiful, like purple, deep-purple bottle with surprisingly a butterfly on top, but I do love it.
RS: Shocking! Tonight at the Glendale Galleria, you can meet her. We were talking about this yesterday, if I had a fragrance, it would be called "insecurity".
MC: What?
RS: "Insecurity. RS."
MC: Listen, it should be called "Fabulousness" and you should put it out next year.
RS: That would help with the gay rumors. Mariah, we love you, thanks for calling!
MC: I love you too darling, talk to you Ryan! Okay, 7:00pm Macy's Bye!
RS: MC, KIIS FM. [Plays "We Belong Together"]
Source: Transcript: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
8:21 PM
"M" on VH1's Soul Vibe Awards
"M by Mariah Carey" was one of the sponsors of VH1's Soul Vibe Awards Special which aired earlier tonight on VH1. During commercial breaks, a montage of Mariah images, trivia, concert footage; and a new "M by Mariah Carey" advertisement with a free gift with purchase offer were featured. Watch video at the bottom.
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:34 PM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New Poll!
That's right lambs there's a new poll up! This time I wanna know which version of MiMi's classic "All I Want For Christmas Is You" music video do you like the most. Is it the regular version? The black & white? or are you just left undecided and you prefer neither? You tell me, get to votin' lambs!
Posted by
7:36 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mariah on Ellen, and You Could Be There!
Mariah will be taping The Ellen DeGeneres Show this Tuesday, November 20th and Honey B. Fly (HBF) is sending one (1) lucky member and a guest!
If you live in or around the Los Angeles area, are 18 years of age or older and can be available starting at 11:00AM on Tuesday, November 20 you could be selected to attend. You will need to get yourself and your guest to the Ellen DeGeneres Show studio located at: 3000 W. Alameda Ave, Burbank 91523.
There is a strict 18 year old age minimum to attend a taping! You and your guest MUST each be 18 and MUST have photo proof of age such as school ID or driver's license. HBF will not be providing any transportation to or lodging at this event.
HBF will randomly select one (1) member. You may also bring a guest. Please send your email and tell us the following:
• Your First and Last Name
• Your HBF Username
• Your Age
• Your City And State
• Your E-Mail Address listed in Your HBF Profile
• Your Phone Number (Home and Mobile)
• Guest Name
• Guest Age
Source: | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
7:18 PM
Adventures Of Mimi Tour Video
• Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men perform "One Sweet Day" in this 120-second promotional video clip from "The Adventures of Mimi" Tour DVD, out in most countries this November. See updated list below for the most current release dates around the world. [See Video Below.]
Posted by
1:27 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"All I Want For Christmas Is You" Is #7 on Billboard's New Holiday Songs Chart
As several Adult Contemporary (AC) radio stations have already switched to all-holiday programming, we have welcomed back the Holiday Songs chart to and The Holiday Songs chart ranks all seasonal titles, regardless of year of release. Only holiday songs released for the first time in 2007 will be eligible to appear on the current AC tally and any of Billboard's other current charts.
The Top 10
1. Burl Ives - "A Holly Jolly Christmas"
2. Brenda Lee - "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"
3. Nat "King" Cole - "The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas to You)"
4. Bobby Helms - "Jingle Bell Rock"
5. Bing Crosby - "White Christmas"
6. Andy Williams - "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
7. Mariah Carey - "All I Want for Christmas Is You"
8. John Lennon & Yoko Ono - "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)"
9. Johnny Mathis - "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas"
10.Jose Feliciano - "Feliz Navidad"
Note: New Holiday songs released from 2007 and on will be able to chart on Billboard's AC chart and any of their charts, but Holiday songs released before 2007 (like "All I Want For Christmas Is You") can only chart on their Holiday Songs Chart.
Source: Billboard |MariahDailyJournail
Posted by
2:22 PM
"Mimi" Tour DVD TV Promo in Japan
The Adventures of Mimi Tour DVD is now being promoted on Japanese TV. On the show Tokudane earlier today, some clips from the DVD were shown. See video on the bottom.
Source: [Thanks To Love Love Jack!! & MariahDailyJournal!!]
Posted by
12:23 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
"M" on VH1's Soul Vibe Awards Special
On Wednesday, on VH1's Soul Vibe Awards Special, Elizabeth Arden will launch fragrance M by Mariah Carey with a 2½-minute montage of images, trivia, concert footage of the pop star and an ad message.
"It's designed that way to retain the audience to make sure they don't walk away," says Tanya Zvonkin, group director of national broadcast for ad-buying firm PHD, who configured the ad for the show. "There will be no bathroom breaks in my commercials."
Note: The Soul Vibe Awards Special will air on VH1 Soul on Wednesday, November 14th at 9:00pm and on VH1 Monday, November 19th at 10:00pm.
Source: USA Today | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:14 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Just Some News [JSN]
• Dreamlover (Def Club Mix) is the first track on a three-CDs set of "Def Mix Classics". The compilation was released on October 29th and includes the best remixes from the entire Def Mix Crew, including David Morales who crafted the successful "Dreamlover" remix with Mariah.
• In Australia, the release of the The Adventures of Mimi Tour DVD has been pushed back a week to Monday, November 26th. The DVD is available in two formats: Digipak & Amaray case and can be pre-ordered.
• On MTV's Run's House last night, Rev. Run told Jojo to play the track he loves and it's "Fly Like a Bird." You can watch the full episode here.
• From Extra: Hollywood's Extreme Anti-Aging Secrets. From Courteney Cox's cherry wrinkle-buster to Mariah Carey's purple food diet, the stars are going to extreme lengths to stay in top shape.
• From PR Newswire: VH1 Soul Presents: VIBE Awards Special which will air on VH1 Soul on Wednesday, November 14 at 9PM and on VH1 on Monday, November 19 at 10PM is sponsored by the debut fragrance M by Mariah Carey and Chevrolet, a division of General Motors.
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
3:02 PM
Holiday Charts
Mariah Carey's classic album, Merry Christmas enters the Billboard Top Holiday Albums at #39, as of issue date November 17, 2007.
"All I Want For Christmas Is You" remains the most downloaded Holiday song on iTunes! The parent album, Merry Christmas is currently at #5 on Top Holiday Albums.
In the UK, the song debuts at #100 on Top Songs and #1 on Top Holiday Songs!
Rest of the world: #1 Holiday song in Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Norway, Ireland, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Spain, New Zealand, Sweden, The Netherlands and Canada; #14 in Belgium; and #34 in Finland.
Mediabase Airplay
As of week ending 11/8/2007, "All I Want For Christmas Is You" has garnered 2.506 million audience impressions with 368 spins.
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
3:00 PM
Mariah To Be On The Ellen DeGernes Show
Mariah is scheduled to make a guest appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Wednesday, November 21st!
Be sure to tune in! To find out when and where The Ellen DeGeneres Show airs in your area, click here.
No Way November Whuut?!
Boy have we got a November packed full of surprises for you! We've got all your favorites stopping by like Christina Applegate, Mariah Carey, Garth Brooks, Paris Hilton, Jack Black, Celine Dion, and Patrick Dempsey, to name just a few!
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
2:59 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Another New Mariah Song: "4Real4Real"
Two new song titles from Mariah's forthcoming album have recently been registered with the music copyright holding agency, Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI): "For The Record" [previously reported] and "4Real4Real"(or "Four Real Four Real"). Both tracks were written by Mariah, Bryan Michael Cox, and Taurian "Adonis" Shropshire. Although they are the first two titles from Mariah's new album to be registered, the songs may not make the final cut of the album. Mariah's new album is currently scheduled to be released early next year.
Bryan Michael Cox and Taurian "Adonis" Shropshire are writing/producing partners. They have worked together on songs for Chris Brown, Omarion and Danity Kane, and separately for Mary J. Blige (Cox) and Alicia Keys (Shropshire). Both of them have also separately worked with Mariah before: Bryan Michael Cox co-wrote a few songs with Mariah including her #1 hit "We Belong Together" and Taurian "Adonis" Shropshire has worked with Mariah on "So Lonely" feat. Twista.
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:32 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Mariah "Adventures Of Mimi" Tour COMMERCIAL
Source: Youtube!
Posted by
12:23 PM
Mariah On Jay-Z's Roc Boys Video!
Mariah appeared on Jay-Z's Roc Boys Video!
[1 :48-3:51]
Posted by
12:15 PM
Fans Get a Sneak Preview of New Songs
Fans who waited for Mariah outside the Avery Fisher Hall, where she performed at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards, got to preview two of her new songs!
Tingleigh69 reports, "I saw Mariah outside the Glamour Awards! She signed my Music Box CD and was like, 'I hope you have emancipated' and I said, 'of course.' But to make a long story short she said she had to go because she had to play a song for someone. When she got in the car they blasted a song that we never heard before and I think it was her new song and Rachel (Mariah's dancer-friend) said, 'You guys hear that?' It sounded amazing! I couldn't make out lyrics or anything but it was upbeat and very good. They played two different ones. They are definitely gonna be #1s. But it was only a couple of seconds. That has to mean the song is gonna be on the radio any day or she wouldn't have played it infront of us."
Another fan adds, "It was VERY brief but it was an urban, mid-tempo from what I heard. Higher vocals a la So Lonely. I couldn't hear lyrics except her repeating 'So, so, so -something-' (and no, it wasn't So Lonely). It was very brief and people were screaming. Vocals weren't breathy, just 'higher' in my opinion. The vocals were similar to The Emancipation of Mimi from what I heard. It was a very urban/hip hop influenced song, no guest rappers that I heard and sounded like it was hot. I'm trying to remember, but like I said, it sounded like a great song, very hot! It will do well on radio. I almost thought it was a Rihanna song before I realized it was coming out of Mariah's car."
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
3:02 AM
Mariah Performed At. . .
Remember Mariah performed at the Glamour Women Awards last night around 6 so keep checkin' back here for pics and videos!!
Posted by
3:01 AM
Monday, November 5, 2007
Cox Gets Giddy About Mariah's New Album
Super producer Bryan Michael Cox has quite a few projects on his plate including the forthcoming Mariah Carey album.
At Russell Simmons' Financial Empowerment Summit, Bryan gets all amped when talking up Mariah's project.
"It's fantastic! You guys are gonna be very, very pleased with it. Jermaine's on it, I'm on it, Danja, you know. It's phenomenal. She has great, great, great songs."
It must be pretty good. Although he doesn't give us too much information, he seems pretty giddy. I hope what he contributed isn't his typical piano intro ish that sounds very music 101.
Mariah deserves only the best... so I hope he is out of that phase where everything sounds like a "Be Without You" knock off.
Source: SOHH | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:12 PM
"All I Want For Christmas..." is iTunes' #1 Holiday Song
Mariah is already doing well on iTunes' Holiday charts! Below are the current standings of her holiday songs/album on iTunes.
1. "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
35. "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"
55. "O Holy Night"
88. "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"
10. Merry Christmas
Source: Jason | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:12 PM
"Mimi" Tour DVD Out in Germany on Nov. 30th
"The Adventures of Mimi" Tour DVD is set to be released in Germany on November 30th! German fans can now pre-order the DVD at Abella for 29.99 EUR. This information has been confirmed by Universal Germany. According to the label, the DVD comes with a booklet that contains 8 pages!
Source: MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:10 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Watch a sneak preview of The Adventures of Mimi Tour DVD! To the right is a medium-quality video of Mariah performing "It's Like That" which she recorded at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California on October 8, 2006. The DVD is scheduled for release in most countries the third week of November.
Posted by
7:51 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Elizabeth Arden Video Mariah Launches Debut Fragrance
Undoubtedly the best-selling female artist of all time, Mariah Carey recently made an appearance in New York City to showcase her new fragrance. Thousands of fans lined up for the chance to meet the star and have their photo taken with her.
[ Download video here ]
M by Mariah Carey captures the intricate beauty of Mariah's music in a sophisticated harmony of fragrance notes and accords. Drawing up on her own personal experiences, each of the three key elements of the scent embodies a part of her, eliciting her warmth, sensuality and glamour.
The fragrance will be sold in department stores nationwide and at
Source: Media Link | MariahDailyJournal
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4:31 PM
Mariah Attends Bette Midler's Halloween Party
Across the country, Bette Midler hosted her usual boo-bender in the Big Apple, with the proceeds from partiers like Donald Trump's "Pageant Place" princesses and Mariah Carey going toward her New York Restoration Project.
"Well you know it's a party, it's a benefit, but it's really a party," Midler told FOX. "And the thing that separates us from the other organizations that do this kind of thing is that we only sell's a lot of fun...we put the trees in the ground and we also put a piece of money aside so the trees will be taken care of."
Posted by
12:55 PM
Elizabeth Arden Flips to Profit
Elizabeth Arden Inc reported a meager quarterly profit on Friday that still beat Wall Street estimates, helped by higher international sales and the launch of the Mariah Carey perfume.
The company, known for its namesake and Britney Spears line of perfumes, also stood by its full-year profit and sales forecasts.
Net income was $350,000, or 1 cent a share, in the fiscal first quarter that ended Sept 30, compared with a loss of $1.3 million, or 5 cents a share, a year earlier.
Excluding restructuring costs, the company earned 4 cents a share, beating analysts' expectations of a 5-cent loss per share, according to Reuters Estimates.
Arden had previously forecast a loss for the period, citing stepped-up spending for the Mariah Carey perfume.
Sales rose 6.7 percent to $271.8 million, helped by the launch of the "M" by Mariah Carey perfume, an 18-percent rise in international sales of its self-branded products, and demand for its fragrances in the United States.
The New York-based company said it still expects to earn in the range of $1.15 per share to $1.20 per share for the first half of fiscal 2008.
However, it now expects sales to grow by 5 to 7 percent, compared with its previous forecast of 6 to 7 percent.
Elizabeth Arden stood by its full-year earnings and sales forecasts -- sales are expected to rise by 5 to 7 percent. and earnings are expected to come in at $1.65 per share to $1.75 a share.
Analysts expect it to earn $1.68 a share for the full year, according to Reuters Estimates.
Source: Reuters | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
12:54 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Da Brat Da Busted
Rapper and Mariah Carey BFF Da Brat was arrested outside of Atlanta, after allegedly busting a waitress in the face with a bottle of rum at Jermaine Dupri's Studio 72 nightclub around 1:15 AM today.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Brat (real name: Shawntae Harris) got into an altercation with the waitress after she bumped into the rapper. The two began pushing and shoving each other until she walked away. That's when Brat allegedly assaulted her with a bottle.
The "Celebrity Fit Club" star is currently in custody and has been charged with felony aggravated assault. She'll be arraigned in the next 72 hours. Da Brat was previously arrested in 2000 for allegedly pistol whipping a woman in an Atlanta nightclub -- she pleaded guilty and was put on probation.
Source: TMZ | MariahDailyJournal
Posted by
2:10 PM